Friday, December 6, 2013

Open Air Meetings with Rose Jeffa

Last Summer, 2012, I brought my my two oldest daughters to Kenya.  One of the high points of the trip was the ministry times with Rose Jeffa.  Rose is a well known singer from Tanzania.  She is very bold, riding around in her van to find a crowd, after which she gets out, starts singing and preaching the gospel.  She trained my daughters in street ministry.  

When we were planning our Grand Opening for Ukunda Missions Church, I decided to invite Rose to the opening, so that she could train the students in street ministry just like she did my daughters.  So on the Saturday before the opening, Rose took the students out on the streets to minister.

Once again, Rose proved to be very effective in this kind of ministry.  Her preaching soon drew a crowd.   Many committed their lives to Christ. 

In a nearby restaurant, there was a man who had been crippled by a car accident.   When he heard the preaching, he decided to go out and listen.   When Alejandro saw him, he immediately began praying for his legs to be healed.  As he did so, the man felt the power of God flowing through his body.  He threw away his crutches and began to walk normally.  

Here he is, testifying about his healing

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