Monday, December 30, 2013

Return to Belgium

Well, as 2013 comes to an end, I decided I needed to return to Belgium and spend a few weeks with my family.  One of the most difficult things about being a missionary are the times when it becomes necessary to travel alone for extended periods of time.   I only do this when I am certain that the Lord has spoken to me.  I know that if I am following His voice, He will take care of my family.  I thank God that every time He asks me to travel for extended periods,  He also speaks clearly to my wife. 

Elisa and Walschap

The Lord has certainly taken care of my family.  I am back in Belgium now, and I see my daughters becoming women of God.   Yesterday Elisa led worship in our church in Brussels, Capitol Worship Center.  At moments in the church service, there was such a strong, tangible presence of the Lord.  When Elisa sings prophetically, the glory of God begins to manifest.  


Our daughter Ruby experienced a real spiritual breakthrough this year.  Ruby (14 years old)  is very different from Elisa (16 years old).  Elisa is to some degree an introvert.  She enjoys spending hours alone with the Lord as she worships and studies the word.  Ruby is quite a people person, always surrounded by friends and invited to all the parties.  If you put her alone in a room and expect her to make good use of her time, you might discover that she spent all her time texting her friends. 
Ruby has always exhibited a lot of love for friends and family, and a commitment to the Lord.  However, during the past year we became concerned about her spiritual life.  It seemed that although she was a wonderful daughter, she didn’t seem to be very excited about spiritual things.   Her life seemed to revolve around her friends.  As any father of a teenage daughters knows, this can lead in troubling directions.

That all changed this past year.  A youth group started up in Brussels, attended by a lot of English speaking youth.  For the first time in her life, Ruby has many Christian friends.   And somehow, her spiritual life has really changed.  Every time I called her from Kenya, she told me about the scriptures she has been reading, and the things they are studying in youth group.   She has become so excited about spiritual things.  Yesterday, as Elisa led worship at our church in Brussels, I watched Ruby weeping and weeping in the front of the church.  When I asked her later what had happened, she told me that God had touched her, and that her heart was filled with an overwhelming sense of gratefulness as she saw the gift that God had given her when Jesus died on the cross.

Julie riding Walschap
And finally, Julie (9years old) is growing up.  Julie is such a unique child.  There is something very special about her, in the way she talks to God and follows Him.   She loves the family pets, especially Walschap the horse.   Walschap is enormous.  Julie always looks so full of joy when she rides him.


In everything, I am very grateful.  Ilona is a wonderful wife, and has taken such good care of things while I have been gone.  I see God’s hand moving so strongly upon my family, and I know that our best days are ahead of us.  

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